Want to learn more about electron and X-ray microscopy? Could electron and X-ray microscopy help answer your Earth materials research question?
The EXCITE Network is organising its first workshop aimed at introducing you to modern electron and X-ray microscopy techniques. We will also show you how to get the most out of your data using correlative data analysis strategies and machine-learning approaches to microstructural and microchemical analysis.
The workshop will be run over two and a half days and will mix a stimulating program with the opportunity to get to know some of the state-of-the-art microscopy facilities at Utrecht University.
UPDATE: The meeting will be held as an online meeting due to the global pandemic developments. See below for the updated schedule:
Curious to learn more?
Interested in gaining access to the EXCITE2 facilities? Please enter your email address and be one of the first to be informed when we open the first EXCITE2 call for proposals. Other questions? Contact us here.