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EXCITE 2023 Photo contest winners

We are thrilled to announce the winners of the EXCITE Network 2023 Photo Contest!

But first, a heartfelt thank you to all participants who submitted their incredible microscopy images. Your work not only showcases your dedication but also highlights the beauty of scientific exploration. We appreciate your contributions!
Now, without further ado, let’s celebrate our exceptional winners:

1st Prize

Maria Alexandra Mascarenhas Guedes, University of Porto

A ferrosphere composed by magnesioferrite embedded in aluminosilicate glassy matrix (SEM-EDS, BSE, and 15 kV in high vacuum mode).

FEI Quanta 400 FEG-ESEM/EDAX Genesis X4M

Materials Centre of the University of Porto (CEMUP)

2nd Prize

“Magnetic Micro-Rabbit”
by Regina Kövér, University of Pannonia
STEM-EDS element maps of Fe (brown), P (turquoise), S (pink) of a cluster of magnetotatic bacteria with chains of magnetite nanocrystals, polyphosphate and sulfur inclusions.
Field of view is 22.45 microns wide.

Thermo Fisher Talos F200X (S)TEM

Nanolab, University of Pannonia

3rd Prize

“Silver Jellyfish”
by Kornél Rácz, University of Pannonia
STEM High-angle annular dark-field (HAADF) image of silver nanoparticles (~5nm average size) aggregated into fibers and spheroid-like structures.

Thermo Fisher Talos F200X (S)TEM

Nanolab, University of Pannonia

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