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Facility Highlight: University of Pannonia

Welcome to Nanolab: University of Pannonia’s Premier TEM Facility

The Nanolab hosting the Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) lab at the University of Pannonia (UP), has established itself as a leading centre for research in chemistry, engineering, nanotechnology, material, Earth, and environmental sciences since its opening in 2018.

State-of-the-art TEM Equipment

At the heart of Nanolab is the Talos F200X G2 microscope, which operates in both transmission and scanning transmission (STEM) imaging modes. Key features include:

  • Field-Emission Gun: For high-resolution imaging.
  • Super-X Energy-Dispersive X-ray System (EDS): Equipped with four detectors for rapid sub-nanometer elemental mapping.
  • Electron Tomography: Enables 3D reconstruction of sample morphologies and compositions.
  • High Resolutions: Custom-designed building provides stable, noise-free conditions, achieving resolutions of 1.35 Å in STEM and a 0.7 Å TEM information limit, often exceeding factory specifications.

    The lab is also equipped with advanced sample preparation tools, such as the Technoorg Linda ion milling machine and the RMC Powertome cryo-ultramicrotome, catering to both hard and soft material preparation needs.

Expertise and Collaboration

Chemical and Structural Analysis of Earth Materials:

The Talos microscope operates in both conventional transmission (TEM) and scanning transmission (STEM) modes. It allows for simultaneous imaging, diffraction, and elemental analysis, offering intricate structural and compositional details of solid materials down to the atomic level. Our expertise includes analyzing electron beam-sensitive materials and conducting tomographic analysis of 3D morphologies and compositions at the nanometer scale.

Nanolab’s strengths lie in its experienced staff, who are proficient in handling beam-sensitive environmental materials and performing electron tomography for detailed 3D nanomorphologies. The lab supports a wide range of research from both academic and industrial sectors, focusing particularly on:

  • Geochemistry
  • Environmental Science
  • Biomineralization

All services are performed by expert staff, ensuring high-quality results and support throughout the research process. Moreover, Nanolab’s greatest appeal lies not only in its cutting-edge research infrastructure but also in its knowledgeable and supportive team. Whether you aim to become proficient in TEM use or need assistance processing and interpreting TEM data, Nanolab provides the expertise and environment to advance your research.

Curious to learn more?

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