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Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR)


The Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden – Rossendorf e.V. (HZDR) is dealing with application-oriented fundamental research, focused on three major research fields: matter, energy, and health.

Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology (HIF)

The centre consists of eight institutes, of which the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology (HIF), an institute established in partnership with the resource university TU Bergakademie Freiberg, is participating in EXCITE.

Equipment HIF


Electron Microscopy:
Two Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM) equipped with EDS and BSE detectors and an Electron Micro-Probe Analyzer (APMA) with in-site experimental capabilities are available at HIF.

Quanta 650 MLA (FEG-SEM):
The SEM is connected to two detectors for performing energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). It is equipped with the MLA-Suite software from FEI for a rapid, spatially resolved, automatic, petrographic analysis of solid samples.

TIMA-X GMS (SEM): TIMA-X is an automated mineralogy system for fast quantitative analysis of samples such as rocks, ores, concentrates, tailings, leach residues or smelter products. TIMA-X combines BSE and EDX analysis and offers the possibility for cathodoluminescence investigations.

JXA-8530F HyperProbe (EPMA):
Field Emission Electron probe microanalyser, equipped with 5 WDS spectrometers, SDD ED system, CL system.

X-Ray Microscopy:
HIF provides access to a Micro-CT used for in-situ research and a X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) analyser designed for the detection of light elements.

CoreTOM (μ-CT):
Core-Tom (tescan), Resolution >5um, Sample sizes < 15 cm diameter and < 90 cm high. Possibility to measure kedge of elements inside sample. Possibility of in-situ / time-lapse studies that require large rigs.

The M4 TORNADO PLUS is a micro-XRF instrument designed for the detection of light elements. Two different X-ray tubes (Rh and W) are available with different spot sizes. The device is equipped with two EDS detectors. It can be operated in air under vacuum or with He flushing. AMICS is available as a software solution for automated mineralogy applications.


2D and 3D chemical imaging of raw materials:
Our unique X-Ray Computed Tomography scanner is coupled with a line spectral detector that can detect the energy of transmitted X-rays. This means, chemical signals from inside the sample can be measured and used to identify elements and to classify mineral phases inside a sample. The spectral information can be combined with high-resolution CT images resulting in 4D datasets. The HIF-analytics is specialised in the application of correlative chemical 2D and 3D imaging for quantitative mineralogical analysis with resolutions ranging from the micron to metre scales. This imaging workflow is used in a variety of research and innovation projects that specifically focus on critical raw material research for a circular and sustainable future.

Processing and data acquisition software

Avizo and Panthera

Sample preparation

Sample preparation includes all steps in the production of samples of natural geological synthetic inorganic materials for 2D and 3D analysis, e.g. polished sections, thin and thick sections. Sample preparation for multimodality measurements must be discussed and planned in detail prior to access. The preparation of organic materials such as plastics requires special arrangements. The preparation of biological materials for analytical purposes is not possible. The development of special preparation methods is possible within the framework of scientific cooperation.

Science team

Jose R. Godinho
Joachim Krause – Microprobe
Axel Renno – Ion Probe
Kai Bachmann – MLA/chemscan
Roland Wurkert – Sample prep

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