In today’s technological society, the development and proper use of materials is important, and a very significant research area is the physics of materials.
At the Department of Physics at NTNU we work on material science, nanotechnology, optics, astrophysics, atmosphere physics, solar energy, biophysics and medical technology.
Norwegian Centre for Nanoscale X-ray Tomography (NEXT)
The Norwegian Centre for Nanoscale X-ray Tomography (NEXT) is hosted by the X-ray Physics group at the Department of Physics. The Department of Physics constitutes the home lab facilities of the X-ray physics group at NTNU, the leading research group in Norway within X-ray methodologies and synchrotron science. The research conducted at NEXT-NTNU is directed towards the climate-change risks, sustainable Arctic/polar regions and for healthy ocean and waters with focus on the following: impact of climate-change to marine life (e.g., corals, diatoms); CO2 sequestration, groundwater, and soil remediation; mechanics of consolidated and/or frozen soil. Besides, the facility is utilised for research within nanoscience including quantitative imaging of biomineralization, crystallization within porous media, in situ solidification of alloys and functioning of electrolytic cells. The NEXT-NTNU facility currently runs five different setups, of which three are providing services within X-ray imaging and thus are offered as part of EXCITE2.
Equipment NEXT-NTNU
Nikon XT H 225 ST, 225kV UltraFocus reflection target (Mo, W, Ag, Cu) and 180 kV transmission target, Perkin Elmer 1620 flat panel detector, 300 μm to 10 μm resolution – depending on the sample size, max sample size 30 cm/50 kg.
Custom-built setup, VISCOM XT9100 microfocus source (Mo, Ag or Cu), Vosskuhler CCD-camera, SCINT-X pixeled scintillator – optimized for 17 keV radiation, 4-μm spatial resolution with frame rates up to 6 per second.
Custom-built X-ray scattering setup is equipped with both Cu and Mo sources, a Pilatus 1M detector and Huber sample stage. The setup is suitable for both SAXS and WAXS analysis with an opportunity to use a variety of custom-built sample environments.
The research activities of the X-ray Physics group are focused within porous media and mesoscale physics, where a wide spectre of X-ray imaging and X-ray scattering based methods are the central research tools. The group is involved in multiple national and international initiatives with particular focus on research in the strategic areas of health and environment.
Processing and data acquisition software
Nikon Inspect-X and CT Pro, VGStudio Max, open-source image processing software
Sample preparation
No sample preparation is provided by NEXT, samples must be prepared by the user according to the facility specifications.
Curious to learn more?
Interested in gaining access to the EXCITE2 facilities? Please enter your email address and be one of the first to be informed when we open the next EXCITE2 call for proposals. Other questions? Contact us here.