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Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)

TU Delft

At TU Delft the key geoscience disciplines are geology and geophysics, while the key engineering disciplines are geomechanics and flow, transport and chemistry in porous media. Common themes in our research revolve around the use of subsurface resources (in particular energy, minerals and, space), the uncertainty, heterogeneity, and complexity of the subsurface and the related coupled multi-scale processes.

X-ray imaging Facility

The X-ray Imaging Facility at TU Delft has been instrumental over the past ten years for applied Earth science and civil engineering research in the Netherlands using X-ray computed tomography (CT).
TU Delft offers X-ray imaging and laboratory facilities which allow for 3D imaging from the decimetre- to the micrometre-scale, as well as for any required sample preparation. The Department of Geoscience and Engineering has an advanced infrastructure and expertise in applications related to fluid flow, mechanics and seismics for petroleum engineering, geothermal energy, subsurface storage and seismicity. Our strength, established in over a decade of X-ray imaging research, lies in the interpretation of images using our multi-physics knowledge and linking it to the wide variety of application areas.

Equipment TU Delft

X-ray Microscopy:
TU Delft provides access to three dedicated CT scanners, capable of imaging a wide range of samples.
CoreTOM (μ-CT):
A laboratory-scale micro-computed tomography scanner for characterizing the microstructures of various materials and sample dimensions. Samples with diameters of 1 mm to up to 12 cm can be scanned with a maximum of 3 micrometer resolution. Large samples (>30 cm in length) can be scanned and the equipment has the capability to perform dynamic imaging for in-situ experimentation.
Siemens Somatom Volume Zoom macro-CT scanner:
Lab-scale X-ray computed tomography scanner to image large samples focused on in-situ testing and imaging of materials. Rocks samples with diameters of 15 cm and length of over a meter can be scanned in tens of seconds at a resolution of at minimum 500 micrometer and maximum 300 micrometer. It is also used for visualisation and locating of (multi-phase) fluid and/or gas flow through porous rock samples, such as CO2.
Phoenix Nanotom µ-CT scanner:
Lab-scale micro-computed X-ray tomography scanner to characterize microstructures of a wide variation of materials. Samples with diameters of 1 mm to up to 12 cm can be scanned at a maximum resolution of 0.5-1.0 microns. The scanner has a maximum sample weight capacity of 1 kg, operates at 180 kV and 0.5 mA.


Three-dimensional, nanoscale visualisation:
TU Delft has extensive knowledge in image acquisition, visualisation and interpretation for 3D CT data at a variety of scales and all types of applied earth science applications.
In-situ experimentation and 3D imaging:
TU Delft offers a series of X-ray transparent cells to be able to do time-lapse 3D imaging of e.g., flow through cores. A focus is on the quantification and understanding of fluid flow behaviour through rocks. This experimentation facility is currently extended to deformation, acoustics and induced seismicity.

Processing and data acquisition software

Phoenix reconstruction software, Dragonfly 3D World, Avizo 3D analyses software, MATLAB/Python routines.

Sample preparation

Coring options are available for all sample sizes, including large blocks, as well as cutting the cores. Additionally, cored samples can be precisely polished. Due to the project-specific nature of sample preparation, it is essential to discuss the requirements with the head of the facility prior to any measurements.

Science team

Dr. Auke Barnhoorn (Team Lead and Coordinator)
Dr Liliana Vargas Meleza (Data Manager)
MSc Milad Naderloo (Technical support)

TU Delft Facilities:
Dr. Auke Barnhoorn (Laboratory Manager)
Dr. Anne Pluymakers (X-Ray and rock deformation specialist)
(Ellen) Meijvogel-de Koning (Technical support and X-ray specialist)

Curious to learn more?

Interested in gaining access to the EXCITE2 facilities? Please enter your email address and be one of the first to be informed when we open the next EXCITE2 call for proposals. Other questions? Contact us here.

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