We are pleased to announce the second workshop by the EXCITE network on “Advanced X-ray and Electron Imaging in Geosciences“. The workshop will take place in Vienna, Austria, from September 04-07, 2022.
On Monday and Tuesday, the workshop will comprise lectures on cutting-edge topics and techniques in these fields, with contributions on correlative imaging and data integration, high-angular resolution EBSD, 4D in-situ X-ray imaging, digital image and volume correlation, deep-learning-based image segmentation, digital rock physics and latest trends in synchrotron-based x-ray imaging. Please have a look at the programme. Wednesday is dedicated to discussing participants’ research as well as several keynote lectures showcasing applications of these imaging techniques.
The free workshop will be hosted by the University of Vienna and live streamed on Zoom. On-site participation in Vienna is limited to 35 early career researchers with a basic knowledge of electron and/or x-ray imaging, online-participation is unrestricted.
Please register here. Registration deadline for those who would like to join us in Vienna is 15 July 2022. For those who like to participate online, please register until 19 August 2022.
We will offer ten travel grants (max. 400 €) to support participation. In case you are interested please find the necessary information in the registration form.
The organising committee
Florian Fusseis, Ian Butler (University of Edinburgh), Oliver Plümper (Utrecht University)